Absent Minded Muser

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The Fresh taste of Coffee

Yesterday, I had a good time.  I was really tired afterward, but, my sister and I went on the hunt for a mini-fridge.  It turns out we don’t actually need to buy one, thank God.  I’ve been annoyed for a long time that I might have to pay for something my grandparents should be replacing.

Instead, I’ve been craving a French Press and good coffee.  I went on a hunt for it.  Last night, we visited Marshalls, and there I found Blue Mountain Coffee beans.  They smelled so good! There were so many coffee types! I could barely contain my joy.  I’m an extreme lover of all coffees! I want to study it.

I bought the coffee, while examining and longing to buy a new mug – that I don’t need, by the way – and then we went to Ross –  Marshalls didn’t have a press.   There I found what would be my new French press! It was only $10 and it is a beauty! I almost bought a red-capped one because my coffee maker is red, but decided against it.  It was an exciting night! I was getting to spend my tax return dollars on something I actually wanted!

I am still thinking about going to King’s Fest.

I popped over to Wal-Mart one last time and bought the  most expensive thing that night; a $20 buck coffee grinder.  It’s amazing.  I have all these lovely coffee things now!

My friend suggested I study coffee, and you know what? I’m thinking about doing just that.  Of course, I study coffee on my own, though it’s not professional, it is fun.   I thought about making a journal of my travels through the coffee world!  I may do just that.

I remember the first time I drank coffee made in a percolator.  It was made in a Hungarian porcelain pot (I believe).  It was some of the best coffee I have ever had! I wish I were the daughter of those Hungarians! I’d inherit that pot.

Coffee is a delight to me.  It cheers my heart and warms my soul.  Coffee is truly a gift from God!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! I’m going to research coffee and see what I can make at home!

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