Absent Minded Muser

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Day 15 of 137

on January 22, 2013

Well, that was funny… I logged on today and there was a trophy icon sitting at the top of my screen and I thought; “I WON! Whatever it is…” and I clicked it.  I did win, 50 likes for my blog! So YAY! Thanks guys for getting me to 50! =D That’s pretty sweet.

Yeah, though I should probably not count Monday since I actually shopped instead of exercising.  However, I did walk for nearly 4 hours and that counts as some exercise… right?

I’ve not been very good with my eating habits.  I think I need to re-kick myself and make my brain realize that eating sweets isn’t helping, and junk food.

I’m not going to beat myself up about it too much, but I will add extra work to my workout today, just to make up for it.

I’m still having trouble finding good DVDs for Yoga and Pilates.  Anyone know anything good? Most likely I’ll just end up borrowing a bunch from the library and seeing which one works for me.

Are you guys having a happy week? And this post was all over the place, enjoy.

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